Jeff Dunphy

The Joy School

An Egyptian Mystery School

The Joy Material: A Modern-Day Mystery School

The Joy Class is a modern-day Mystery School. It is based on six precepts. These precepts, or selections, were handed down thousands of years ago. Paul the Venetian gave them to the Greek Philosopher Iamblicus and they were passed on to Mabel Collins who wrote the book, “Light on the Path” in the late 1800s. This book has become a staple of many of the esoteric classics. Joy class engages its participants to ponder these precepts and engage their contemplative minds to deepen their understanding of these Ancient Truths. Through conversation and meditation the course is an Ancient pathway to enlightenment in modern times. 
There is a knowingness within each one of us, that drives a hunger that’s been with us since birth. The Ancient Mystery schools and the Contemporary Mystery Schools are here to serve mankind. In a simple step-by-step manner the intellect and the abstract mind are intertwined to develop an entirely new awareness for the student. Unlike conventional education where the educator tells the student what to think, the ancient AND modern-day mystery schoolteachers illuminate the student in how to think.

An Egyptian Mystery School

Breakout Session Presentation Description Coming Soon: Stay tuned for details on this insightful and engaging session!