Weaving a Path to Illumination: The Quest to Uncover the Mystery of Equilibrium.
In The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, the Mahatma KH states: “We recognize but one law in the Universe, the law of harmony, of perfect equilibrium.” (#90 in chronological order). It has been a lifelong quest, involving a series of awakenings beginning with a perinatal experience, to discover the essence of what this Law of Equilibrium actually means for the mystery of existence itself. It is a secret zealously guarded by the custodians of humanity and of the cosmos itself. In the end it reveals the golden mean number system which allows for the unification of the sciences, arts and consciousness.
The Tibetan DK’s Prophecy of the Merger of Esoteric Astrology and Sacred Geometry
The Mahatma DK (Djwal Kuhl), instrumental in the founding of the modern Theosophical Society and the source behind Alice Bailey’s Arcane School writings, prophesied that when Esoteric Astrology and Sacred Geometry were allied together, a flood of light would be thrown on the mystery of Manas, including the karmic laws, meaning, intentions and purpose of the solar logos. This ongoing merger of esoteric astrology and sacred geometry has been occurring through the continuing influence of DB’s Little Elephant Ashram (1975 – 2025) and is helping usher in the initiatory wisdom of the Aquarian Age.
Aryel & Scott: A New Light on the Ageless Wisdom - Breakout Session
Aryel and Scott will discuss the wisdom explosion in the American Age (the great experiment) including Initiation (traditional and new), the central importance of Transformation – i.e. going beyond the ego (the Me), Krishnamurti (K) and the question of the existence of the Mahatmas (the Perennials), the need for a new language – purging the Ageless Wisdom of antiquated Victorian ideas, the Analytic Fallacy and Abduction or the Logic of Discovery, and Plato’s Secret Doctrine.